A Cord Cutting Spell

You will need

  • A piece of string 1 ft long
  • A white candle
  • A black candle
  • Cut the Cord oil
  • #Blessed oil
  • Cut the Cord powder
  • A wallet sized picture of yourself
  • A wallet sized picture of the person you wish to be separated from
  • A bowl of rose petals, lavender, and chamomile
  • A bowl of salt
  • A pair of scissors or a sharp knife
  • Two candle holders
  • A small paper bag
  • A white flannel bag.

Take the piece of string and lay it out on the work space from left to right. On the left hand end of the string, place your picture and on the left hand image, place the image of the other person. Take the white candle and anoint it with Blessing oil. Place it into the candle holder and put it over your picture. Take the black candle and anoint it with Cut the Cord oil. Place that into the candle holder on top of the picture of the other person. Place the bowl of flowers on the left side, and the bowl of salt on the right side. Light the candles and say:
Cut the cord, Cut the cord, this connection is no more. Severed and separated, unallied, Free to leave, No longer tied.“
Anoint the center of the string with Cut the Cord oil and then take the scissors and cut the cord in half. Carefully move the separated cord halves to their respective sides, perhaps winding them up and placing them with their photos. Take the Cut the Cord Powder and lay down a line of powder between the two candles. Allow the black candle to burn for fifteen minutes before taking the candle and putting the lit flame into the salt to snuff it. Take the picture, that picture’s half of cord, the salt, and the black candle and put it all into a small paper bag. Take them outside and throw them all away into a trash bin.
Allow the white candle to burn down completely. If any wax is not consumed, take that, along with the bowl of flowers, your picture, and your half of string and place it all into a white flannel bag. Tie the bag up tightly, and keep it somewhere safe, such as in a keepsake box. This will help you have inner peace and self love to keep away from such toxic people, while attracting better people who will love you honestly and with deception, whether as friends, lovers, or chosen family.

If you like my work and wish to get a reading or hire me for spell work, you can book a session with me here.

March 18 – Feast day of the Archangel Gabriel

Statue of Gabriel from the Heroes Square in Budapest Hungary

Happy Feast Day of the Archangel Gabriel!
March 18 was the feast day of Gabriel until 1969. I still continue to observe this as Gabriel’s Feast day, including many others from different sects of Christianity.

As i have said many times before, in many ways Gabriel seems to be the overlooked archangel. Far more people will turn to Saint Michael for many things, and only think of Gabriel for the Annunciation, even though Gabriel appears many times in many stories.

As the angel of Annunciation, and many other appearances as bringing messages from God, Gabriel is a divine Messenger, an angel of angels in that the word Angel originally means messenger. Many people will pray to Gabriel asking for messages and guidance, and for help with psychic abilities, to reveal things that are hidden.

Some people are recognize Gabriel for the meaning of his name. His name comes from the Hebrew meaning Strength of God. If you are familiar with Kabbalah, and the Sefirot, the Sefirot Geborah is actually the beginning of the name Gabriel. the end -iel means of God. Thus, the Strength or Might of God. Gabriel as the Strength of God is called upon by someone people for Divine Strength and Might, or getting his power to help you in any number of situations. In a spell from the PGM, Gabriel is even called up to bring his power to make someone fall in love with the client of the sorcerer. But this divine strength can be applied to anything.

Another common sphere of influence for Gabriel is a commander of the celestial hosts. While some may think this applies to the angels, but I think this refers to the spirits who govern the celestial objects ie the planets and stars. This is why Gabriel is also considered the Angel of the Moon. As the Moon was considered to take all the celestial rays of the planets and stars and transmit them to the earth, so Gabriel is considered to command the spirits of the celestials objects. So, if you’re doing a summoning of astral spirits, you might make some devotions to Gabriel to help you with them.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I dedicate this day to celebrating love in all of it’s forms. Here is a photo of my love altar that I have worked with for years. (I added a little sparkle with some filters because why not)
One thing I like to do is buy some candy and ask the powers of love to bless it and then I distribute to all sorts of people, friends and strangers, so that they may feel love and sweetness in their life. It reminds me of elementary school where everyone was supposed to bring cards and candy for everyone else.
While the profitable romance aspect of Valentines is usually pushed by media today, I personally think that all kinds of love can be celebrated. Self love, familial love, love between friends, Love of pets, etc and even lust and desire.
May all be blessed with the ideal love for them and they love they need!

If you’re interested in getting a reading or booking a rootwork consultation click here

Feast to the Queen of the Gods

I have never felt much of a connection to Imbolc and Brigid who is the more popular goddess associated with February and it’s beginning. In searching for alternatives, I found a connection to Juno. Having a preference for Graeco Roman divinities, this is who I choose to devote the first cross quarter feast to.
Juno/Hera often gets the short end of the stick in most popular media these days. Usually the stories of her vengeance on the bastard children of Zeus from his uncountable paramours is the most often told story, and for that she is painted as being cruel, wicked, evil, vindictive, a harridan, and generally a bad example of a woman. They often overlook her other qualities, and other stories about her.
One overlooked and rather important thing, that is often left out from modern retellings is that she was the divine patron of Jason of Jason and the Argonauts. Jason’s success in his journey came about because she favored him and helped him. As long as he held her favor, his ventures worked out for him. It wasn’t until he lost Hera’s favor, by screwing over Medea and breaking promises to her, and abandoning his own children, did his fortunes change and he ended up losing, hard.
The month of February is also named for an title of Juno, that of Juno Februa, or Juno of Purification. The month February in the old Roman calendar was closely connected with purification, which would culminate on the 15th of February with the Februa purification. After this it would become a time of feasting and honoring the Gods, the dead, the Lares, and the prosperity of the people and the city itself as evidenced by it’s stability and prosperity.

A 29 day ritual practice to develop psychic abilities and bring fortunate dreams

If you want to improve your psychic abilities, undertake the following practices for 29 days. You can start at any time, but it will be easier to keep track if you start at the first of the month, or if you can start at a particular moon phase, as a complete cycle will return you back to that moon phase where you started. 

  1. Drink a cup of mugwort tea every day. Mugwort is an herb known to aid in psychic abilities, and it is common for some people to drink it as a tea. (check any for contrary recommendations for yourself) If mugwort is not your choice of herb, star anise also makes a good psychic herbal tea.
  2. Take a picture of yourself and place it under a candle holder. Using a white candle of any kind, tealight, chime, or even a glass encased vigil candle. Fix the candle with Psychic Vision oil or Aunt Sally’s Lucky Dream oil. As the candle burns each day, spend 5-15 minutes sitting in silence and letting your inner voice communicate with you. This may take the form of visions, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, or just a knowingness. 
  3. To help with dreams, keep a dream journal. Keep it nearby while you sleep and whenever you wake up, whatever you recall of your dreams, write it down in the journal. If you don’t recall anything, write this down as well, as it shows that you’re wanting to recall and can stimulate recall. This journal can be a notebook, sketchbook, even an app on your phone, or sound recording. 
  4. During this 29 day period, take 4 spiritual baths using psychic vision or lucky dream bath crystals. Collect your bath water and dispose of it at a crossroads while facing towards the rising sun. 
  5. To help with dreams, you can write down the 23rd Psalm on a sheet of paper. Fold this up and place it under your pillow while you sleep. This will help bring fortunate dreams that can give you insight, lucky numbers, guidance to resolve problems and many more.

During and towards the end of the 29 days, you will find your psychic abilities to have increased and noticeably as well as an increase in dreaming and lucky or prophetic dreams.

Happy New Year!

Recently on social media I saw a post about the phrase “May you live in interesting times” and a reminder that the phrase is meant as a curse.
The poster than followed this by saying their blessing was “May you living in boring, peaceful times” which I found a little lackluster, so I offer this up to the world. May you live in Peaceful and Prosperous times.
I think people forget about the benefits of peace, tranquility and calm. Free from stress. Able to focus. You can rest, you can heal, you can recharge.

Happy Saint Lucia Day!

Happy Saint Lucia Day!

December 13 is the Feast Day of Saint Lucia, a Sicillian Marty, and belonging to the most revered of the women Saints of the Church. In Sweden especially special observances are made where are young woman dons a crown of greenery with candles, and would process through carrying a candle, or in some cases special buns made for the day. In the past St Lucia’s day landed on the Winter Solstice, but with the Gregorian calendar change, it moved to December 21. By celebrating St Lucia’s day it is said it can help one have enough light through the long winter.